Quantitative Market Research

Can be performed by using the following methods:

  • Tracking surveys (web-based, paper)
  • F2F questionnaires

NKI’s Services include the following: 

  • Statistical analysis to decide the number of participants needed by using factors as the purpose and scale of the research 
  • Recruitment of HCPs
  • Questionnaires design (in cooperation with Sponsor’s Medical and Marketing Department) 
  • Continuous Tel Follow Up with Investigators 
  • Statistical Analysis (SPSS, R Statistical Packages) 
  • Presentation of results 

Qualitative Market Research

  • Identification of research modules in cooperation with the sponsor
  • Drafting of discussion guides and formulation of research questions (in cooperation with Sponsor’s Marketing & Medical Departments) 
  • Statistical analysis to decide the number of focus groups and participants needed by using factors as the purpose and scale of the research 
  • Selection of sample with appropriate participant characteristics such as specialty, specialization, experience or involvement in the research topic 
  • Selection of Key Οpinion Leaders (KOLs) per therapeutic category 
  • Selection of the venue taking consideration to be comfortable and conductive to discussion 
  • Continuous tel. follow up with investigators regarding their participation 
  • Transcription of meeting and preparation of detailed analytical report 

Advisory Boards Services

  • An advisory board is generally a group of experts that can provide advice on new drugs and opportunities 

    Types of Advisory Boards:

      • Medical Advisory Boards
      • Marketing Advisory Boards

    NKI’s Services includes the following:

      • Objectives & Agenda setting
      • Invitations & Contracting with attendees
      • Selection and booking of the venue 
      • Preparation of participants contracts 
      • Providing a medical writer (if requested)
      • Preparation of printed material
      • Meeting minutes preparation 
      • Presentation of results